All images and prayers are the property of Regina O'Brien and May not be copied, without giving credit to.


#1 My Identity in Christ
Lord, thank you that I do not have to accept the reflection of others or even the reflection and beliefs that I have firmed on my own. Thank you that I can learn to see me as you see me, and to rewrite what is on the tablet of my heart to match yours. As I walk this journey out, thank you for helping me to see me as you see me, and to be all that you have created me to be. Thank you, Father, that when I come to you, I will receive something of value from you, as a gift of love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Regina O'Brien

#2 Beauty from Ashes
Lord, thank you that I no longer have to live with the ashes of my past, and the sorrows. Thank you that your promises give me the freedom to experience the fullness of your love and light even when the circumstances of life are sad, dark, lonely, and feel hopeless. Thank you for making provisions for me to operate more as an oak rather than a willow. Starting today I will begin to see myself more as that Oak standing strong in the winds of life, rather than a willow who bends with every breeze. In Jesus' name, Amen. Isaiah 61:3
Regina O'Brien

#3 The Secret Place

Lord, thank you again that I can come to you with thanksgiving and praise on my heart and lips.  Thank you for having the door always open to your "Secret Place", your place of peace, of refuge.  Lord, help me to more clearly see the opening to your refuge, so that I can experience life through you and your strengths, and not my own. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Regina O'Brien

#4  Rejoice Always
Rejoice always, pray without stopping, and in EVERYTHING give thanks for that is God's will through Jesus Christ for us!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

When life happens, and the harshness of life winds blow us around like rag dolls, when the burn of frost caused by the hurt of relationships wound us, or when the confusion created by weariness of our journey paralyzes us, can you honestly say you are still able to rejoice, pray without stopping, and give thanks even when it appears only darkness is around? This is exactly what God wants for us. It is easy to praise Him when things are going well. 

Father God, thank you for being with us in all things, in all times. Thank you that especially in our darkest times, we can come to in Thanksgiving and praise, and know you are by our side. Lord give us words to praise you in every occasion, and thank you for guiding our every step.  Thank you for helping us to feel your presence, and your love always. Thank you Father for the peace you can bring to every situation, and we welcome that peace.
In Jesus' name, Amen
Regina O'Brien

#5  Provision
Father God of love, who always provides good gifts, and satisfies the desires of our hearts. please grant me my request for __________, or transform my desires to what you know is best for me and your Glory. As I wait for your provision, for your perfect timing, please give me the gift of trust, hope, assurance, and the confidence in your goodness only you can provide,. Amen
Regina O'Brien